Retreats and Quiet Days
Group retreats and quiet days focus on spiritual practice and renewal. They last from a half-day to several days and include talks by the teacher, instructions on how to practice, silent reflection, and sometimes one-on-one or group discussion. Sample topics include Kindness and Compassion, Basics of Meditation, Foundations of Mindfulness, Desert Fathers and Mothers, and Francis and Clare, and Prayer as Inquiry.
If you would like to arrange a retreat or quiet day for your group, please contact me.
Past Events Include:
March 4, 2017: Foundations of Mindfiulness Lenten Quiet Day at Christ Episcopal Church, Norcross, Georgia
March 12, 2017: Renewing a Right Spirit- A Lenten Quiet Day on Psalm 51; Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, Atlanta, Georgia
Camping and Hiking Trips
Consider taking your group on a day hike, backpacking trip, or camping trip to combine the good vibes of the outdoors with intentional spiritual renewal and refreshment. Difficulty and format is tailored to your group. I have led dozens of trips, from short local day hikes to week-long backcountry expeditions.
Group Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction Groups meet on an ongoing basis or for a fixed period of time. Through sharing silence, prayer, and reflection, the group learns to listen for the movement of the Holy Spirit in one another's lives and voices. Meetings can be biweekly or monthly.
If you would like to form a spiritual direction group, please contact me.